In previous studies, we have conducted tests under various conditions of stress for the particle crushing. Anyway, it is necessary to perform the crushing test that assumed stress conditions in ground under controlled each principal stresses individually, to find the mechanical characteristics of the soil with particle crushing. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to confirm the effect for particle crushing under various stress paths in the combination of principal stresses. We planned four combinations of principal stresses when operate the mean stress p and deviatoric stress q up to the Shear Failure Line (SFL) on the 𝜋-plane. First, we set tri-axial extension test as Lode angle 𝛳=60° and tri-axial compression test as 𝛳=0°, and set two of the remainder as 𝛳=40°, 20°. The crushing tests are carried out using the high pressure true tri-axial compression apparatus under the planned stress paths. As a result, the progress of the particle crushing becomes active in order of 𝛳=40°, 20°, 60°, 0°, and found out that deviatoric stress q has essential effect on the particle crushing.