One-dimensional layered soil lumped mass ground response analysis was conducted for the representative site in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. The surficial geology of the site is predominantly composed of the gravely and sandy soil typical of this region in the central part of Ulaanbaatar. The natural period of soil profiles needs to be investigated under several circumstances. For example, these parameters-based study has indicated that damage due to earthquakes occurs when the natural periods, T1 and T2, of the ground are closer to that of a superstructure. Various computational procedures or methods have been proposed for this kind of the ground response analysis. In this paper, the numerical analysis method such as the lumped mass method within eigenvalue analysis is used to determine the natural periods of the ground. The ground surface, soil deposits, and bedrock are assumed to be horizontal. The soil deposits are subjected to shear deformation such as shear modulus, G, on the other hand, excitation of vibration could be a shear modulus on each layer. As well as to determine an engineering bedrock depth in the site, the methodology that is utilized in this paper is focused on the use of the correlation between SPT-N value and soil elastic Young's modulus, E, in the soil profiles, and used over 100 boreholes data with SPT-N values in the vicinity of Ulaanbaatar.