Load distribution factor at concrete girder bridges and steel girder bridges are analyzed with finite element method to see effect of span length and cross beam to load distribution factor. Span lengths of analyzed bridge models are 30m, 40m, 50m and 60m. The number of intermediate cross beam is increased from one to until distance between cross beams becomes 5m. The finite element analysis results show that concrete girder and steel girder can use same load distribution factor and span length doesn’t affect to load distribution factor. Even though load distribution factor in interior girders is not influenced by cross beam, in exterior girders it is influenced by cross beam. Effect of cross beam in exterior girder is influenced by the number of lanes and distance from exterior girder to curb. Since design code introduces conservative load distribution factor, economically improved load distribution factor is proposed. The proposed load distribution factor includes cross beam effect with the number of lanes and distance from exterior girder to curb. The proposed equation is compared with AASHTO code and grillage method which is well-known method to calculate load distribution. The comparison results showed that the proposed equation is more efficient and useful than AASHTO and safer than the grillage method.