Landslide processes are a distinct phenomenon with a huge impact on human way of life. Those gravitational movements in the upper layers of the crust can have a dramatic effect in river valleys, coastal regions and mountainous terrains. The reasons for their existence and development lie in naturally occurring processes in the lithosphere and the atmosphere and large-scale human activity. Investigating various natural and anthropogenic phenomena is vital, with attention to climate change processes. In the report of the European Commission (2012) an alarming level of erosion and abrasion is observed, with more than 630 000 areas with landslide processes. According to MRRB in Bulgaria there are near 2000 zones with active movements. The current investigation focuses on a fragment of the Bulgarian coast prone to landslide that was researched in 2017. The first registered movements date back to 2010. Characterizing for this case is the relatively quick developments of the movements, which affect urban areas. This publication revolves around a complex engineering investigation, which provides an understanding how and why activation processes in the researched zone form, while using well-known proven methods. The used techniques for investigation focus on usability issues, as well as on the opportunity to corelate different sets of data, gather important information and reinforce it with monitoring. The focus here is on these three combined steps: information, prediction, monitoring.