
Some indicators as parameters to measure performance are commonly used by people. A measurement tool named Objective Matrix (OMAX) has some special advantage. It is more objective and representative to describe workers’ performance based on numerous objective indicators and it can quickly obtain their positions (in below, standard, or can achieve their targets). It can quickly compare comprehensive worker performance because it is represented in a unity block/diagram. The purpose of this paper is to find out the application of performance measurement by OMAX for its technicians in a ready mix concrete company. Application of measurement was performed in a ready mix concrete company located in Bandung, Indonesia. A measurement has been done based on their performance indicators covering consistency to take numerous test specimens (effective indicator) and unconformity of concrete quality (quality indicator). The value was based on actual performance score multiplied by the percentage of each indicator’s influence. Based on the research, the average score of drop quality were 16% and completeness of test specimens was 82 %. The best performance of workers to gather complete specimens was 98.3% and best performance for drop or rejects quality were 0%. The worst performance of drop or quality rejects was 24.14% and the worst performance of complete specimens was 74.69%. However, value was more than average, so their performance was sufficient.

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