The ability of a completed construction to meet the value systems of its stakeholders depends on the activities and procedure throughout the entire supply chain. Before deciding on a construction development, procurement planning should be comprehensive. We argue that a major problem leading to poor performance of projects is inadequate understanding or engagement with the procurement planning process. This emphasizes the clear need to research procurement planning by assessing its purposes. Through survey questionnaires, 13 purposes for undertaking procurement planning are identified for construction players to evaluate the extent to which procurement planning is undertaken. The results indicate that the immediate reasons for the procurement process include determining the expectations of the clientele, provide a means for the stakeholders’ to interact, and selecting the appropriate procurement method to suit the client’s value system. According to the results of survey, none of the purposes displayed poor results. 95% of the respondents measured that procurement planning are used for construction development. The findings of this paper highlight the importance of systematic procurement planning for improving construction performance.