This study explores the 'holy grail' of health and safety (H&S) - zero fatalities, injuries, and disease! Although, the logic of pursuing such a goal is obvious there are many 'non-believers' in the sense that they do not believe it is achievable. However, the literature indicates that such a goal is an integral part of H&S culture and is complementary to the vision of fatality, injury, and disease free construction. Furthermore, it is the only 'transparent' goal. A study conducted among ‘better practice H&S’ general contractors (GCs) determined the following: subscription to such a goal is an integral part of H&S culture, and a pre-requisite for optimum H&S performance; such a goal is achievable, and there are a range of complementary interventions such as optimum resourcing of H&S, management commitment, participation, and involvement, and optimum H&S training. Conclusions and recommendations include: optimum H&S and the achievement of zero fatalities, injuries, and disease requires a goal of zero fatalities, injuries, and disease; industry H&S programs must focus on H&S culture; contractors must be enlightened in terms of the need to subscribe to such a goal, and the complementary interventions, and case studies that document the achievement of zero fatalities, injuries, and disease must be conducted.