BIM describes a method to integrate and connect all relevant, building related data into a virtual data model over the whole lifecycle. The superior goal of all BIM-related research projects at the Chair of Construction Management and Economics is therefore to advance the efforts of data model standardization and the corresponding flow of information between all participants involved in a building project. To identify all relevant data, the focus of each project is hence directed to the question that needs which information from whom, how, when and what for. The aim of the project is the application of the BIM-method and the use of RFID-technology to improve work safety in the real estate and construction industry is to identify, define and standardize information relevant to work safety, so that they can be used for prevention-measures with BIM. Initially therefore all work safety relevant processes have to be identified and defined in regard to the detail content and level of details. This will lead to the possibility of cross-company planning regarding work safety relevant processes with BIM as well as the optimization of work safety during the construction and operating phase in additional use of AutoID-Technologies.