In the field of the construction industry, research work has widely focused on identifying Key performance indicators and critical success factors without assessing the impact of conflict environment factors. This study focusses on the impact of post-conflict environment factors on local construction organization performance. This paper presents a framework for improving construction organization performance in a post-conflict environment. The proposed framework consists of four stages: identify post-conflict environment impacting factors, determine critical success factors (CSFs), determine key performance indicators (KPIs), and adopt the best strategy to improve performance. Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and multiple linear regression (MLR) modeling has been used to analyze quantitative and qualitative variables obtained from the literature and expert opinion through comprehensive literature search, meetings, and survey to determine critical success factors and to identify performance improvement strategy. The study finding suggests that twenty factors from the questioner have a critical impact on the identified five performance measures. The presented CSFs helps the organization management team to consider the impact of these factors on their firm and to formulate a competitive strategy in a post-conflict environment.