In the present work, a Performance-Based Seismic Design procedure applied to multi-storey frame structures with innovative hysteretic diagonal steel devices (called Crescent Shaped Braces or CSB) is introduced. CSBs are steel elements of peculiar geometrical shapes that can be adopted in frame buildings as enhanced hysteretic diagonal braces. Based on their "boomerang" configuration and placement inside the frame structure, they are characterized by a lateral stiffness uncoupled from the yield strength and, if properly inserted, by an overall symmetric hysteretic behavior with hardening response at large drifts, thus preventing from global structural instability due to second-order effects. The procedure here presented is intended to guide the structural engineer through all the steps of the design process, from the selection of the performance objectives to the preliminary sizing of the CSB devices, up to the final design configuration. The steps are described in detail through the development of an applicative example.