Soil improvement is defined as the improvement of the some soil parameters by using different methods when the soil properties are insufficient to prevent static and dynamic loads. The Deep Soil Mixing (DSM) is an in situ soil treatment technology whereby the soil is blended with cementitious and/or other materials. The method has gained its popularity after 1990’s in the world and last ten years in Turkey. In this study, a case study on soil improvement with deep soil mixing application in Eskisehir, Turkey is presented. The application procedure was created according to steps of usual geotechnical projects. Firstly, soil investigation was done and soil parameters were defined. And then, bearing capacity of deep soil mixing columns was calculated and modelled by “All Pile” software. After the site application, core samples were taken and the load test was applied to the core samples. Finally, deep soil mixing is becoming a popular as a soil improvement method and gives succeeding results.